Aughinish Alumina Bauxite Residue Disposal Area Project

In accordance with section 37E of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Aughinish Alumina Limited gives notice of its intention to make an application for permission to An Bord Pleanála for the following proposed development on a site of c.222ha located in the townlands of Aughinish East, Aughinish West, Island Mac Teige, Glenbane West, and Fawnamore at or adjacent to Aughinish Island, Askeaton, Co. Limerick.

The proposed development will consist of works to facilitate an expansion of the disposal capacity at the existing Bauxite Residue Disposal Area (BRDA). The works will generally consist of the construction of rock fill embankments at the perimeter of the BRDA, offset internally and founded on the previously deposited and farmed bauxite residue, in 2 m high vertical lifts. The proposed development will result in the footprint of the BRDA decreasing as it increases in height. The proposed development will result in a c.12m increase in height (over that previously permitted under Limerick County Council Ref. 05/1836; An Bord Pleanála Ref. PL13.217976) to a maximum height of c.44m OD upon closure. The proposed expansion of the BRDA will provide for the deposition of an additional c. 8.0 million m³ bauxite residue over the lifetime of the development. The proposed development also provides for an expansion of the existing capacity of the Salt Cake Disposal Cell (SCDC), which is located within the BRDA through a vertical extension of the exiting perimeter wall and associated cell lining resulting in a c.2.25m crest height increase of the existing cell to c.31.25m OD and a maximum overall height of c.35.50m OD upon closure. The increase in capacity of the SCDC will provide for the storage of an additional c. 22,500 m³ of salt cake.

Additional works include a c.3.9ha expansion of the permitted borrow pit (Limerick City and County Council Ref. 17/714; An Bord Pleanála Ref. ABP-301011- 18) to the east of the BRDA resulting in a total borrow pit area of c.8.4ha with a maximum depth of c. 8.5 m O.D and providing for an additional 380,000m³ of rockfill with blasting and crushing of rock to occur between April and September each year.

Further works include upgrades to the water management infrastructure to accommodate the BRDA development; the continued use of a stockpile area for rock and top-soil storage to the south east of the BRDA; use of top-soil and rock materials for the landscaped restoration and closure of the BRDA (including SCDC); restoration of the extended borrow pit extraction area; lighting; spillway ramps (drainage channels); revised boundary treatments and ancillary associated works above and below ground. Aughinish Alumina Limited carries out an activity on the site requiring an Industrial Emissions Licence (Licence Reg. No. P0035-07).

This application for permission is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement.